Monday, June 27, 2011

Did Casey Anthony kill her daughter?

Do you think that Casey Anthony killed her little girl or was it an accident by her going into the pool and drowning. The sad thing is that she does not show much emotion which leads me to be leave that she killed her daughter. What do you think.   


  1. I think she did it, to be honest. The defense is doing everything they can to throw as many people as possible (except Casey) under the bus. This is quickly turning into a travesty, and a circus. Oh sociopaths.

  2. my dad is so in love with her.

  3. I remember when this story broke, I was sitting in Atlanta waiting for a delayed flight...

    But yeah, I think she did it... just like Scott Peterson killed his wife, OJ killed Nicole, and Michael Jackson molested little boys

  4. I think this takes post-partum depression to a whole new level.


    Naw, just joshin' ya, really I don't care either way. I can only hazard the agreement with you that her lack of emotion shows either tremendous instability or she just flat out did it.

  5. Dude, did you get hacked or something? Or just a bad day? A certain "untitled" post of yours from 55 minutes ago just disappeared. 'Sup with that?
